Monday, August 27, 2012

A Mission of the Heart... A Vietnam Vet Revisits the Past to Brighten Others' Futures

Ashamed. Shunned. Ostracized. Words understood all too well by those with facial deformities- like Bob Perkins. As a young man, Bob's life was changed in an instant when he was shot in the face while serving as a Marine in the Vietnam War.

Constantly enduring the torment of wide-eyed stares, expressions of shock and negative remarks from strangers, living each day with a missing jaw was a challenge for Bob. He spent years undergoing numerous reconstructive surgeries- just for the chance to look "normal" once again and find acceptance in society.

It was during this time that he befriended Dr. Bill Magee, Co-founder of Operation Smile, and became aware of the many children suffering from cleft lips and cleft palates. Through his own personal experience, Bob felt a connection to these children- children who know the pain caused by rejection. This connection led Bob to a new chapter in life as an Operation Smile volunteer.

As a dedicated volunteer for nearly a decade, Bob has served Operation Smile in many ways. He has packed Smile Bags for patients, brought comfort and joy to patients on medical missions in the Philippines, and served as an Operation Smile speaker- and continues to do so today. Of his work with Operation Smile, Bob has said it has been "one of the most gratifying experiences of my life."

This summer, Bob was presented with the opportunity to volunteer during another medical mission. The goal: help children suffering from cleft lips and cleft palates. The location: Vietnam.

(Source: Operation Smile)

Watch Bob's video interview and read my blog about the medical mission in Vietnam: Vietnam Mission
Bob Perkins, Vietnam War veteran, and I.